The current account, which measures trade and net income flows, should turn back to positive territory in the second quarter this year, many economists say. 许多经济学家认为,日本经常项目应该会在今年第二季度重新取得盈余。
The decrease of these current liabilities are deducted from net income, the non-cash expenses such as depreciation expense, depletion expense are added to net income, and some other losses and gains are added to or deducted from net income. 流动负债的减少额则要从净收益中减去,像折旧费用、递耗费用等非现金费用要加到净收益上,其他一些损失和收益则要加到净收益上或者是从中减去。
For instance, the decrease of current assets such as accounts receivable, inventory, prepaid expenses are added to net income. 例如,应收账款、存货、预付费用等流动资产的减少额要加到净收益上。